The following functions are used to manage HFSQL data files:
Converts a numeric value into a binary string in order to perform a search on a numeric key. |
Reorganizes the internal structure of the indexes to optimize the speed for accessing the data. |
Enables an automatic filter on the linked files when browsing an XML file. |
Enables the filter that was previously created for the specified data file (view or query). |
Re-enables a trigger that was disabled by HDeactivateTrigger. |
Adds: •the record found in memory into the data file (query or view). •the record found in a Record variable into the data file (query or view). |
Creates a logical alias of a data file (or query) or cancels all existing aliases. |
Moves backward several records from the current position in the data file, according to a specified item. |
Builds the value of a composite key to implement a filter (HFilter) or to perform a search (HReadSeekFirst, HReadSeekLast, etc.). |
Regardless of the platform used, the data saved in the HFSQL files is in ANSI format. |
Cancels an alias that was declared beforehand by HAlias. |
Allows to: •Delete a declaration made previously using HDeclare, HDeclareExternal, HDescriveFile. After this operation, the data file is no longer recognized by the HFSQL engine. •Free the resources of a query (after the call to HExecuteQuery or HExecuteSQLQuery). |
Cancels the current search criterion. |
Dynamically changes the connection associated with a data file. |
Modifies the access path to a data file (which means the directory where the file will be used). |
Changes the browse item. |
Modifies the search mode of physical data files (.FIC, .NDX, ...). |
Modifies the location of log files corresponding to an HFSQL data file. |
Modifies the physical name of a data file. |
Modifies the location for the description of subscriber replica (RPL file). |
Checks whether the data found in the index file (.NDX file) properly refers the data found in the data file (.FIC file). |
Checks the structural integrity of memos in an HFSQL data file. |
Defines the mode for comparing data files. |
Checks whether one or all records found in an unalterable data file have not been modified (with an hexadecimal editor for example). |
Closes a data file or all the data files opened by the current user: all the corresponding physical data files are closed for the current user. |
Closes the current analysis. |
Closes a connection to a database. |
Compares two values by sorting them according to the specified HFSQL index item: all the sort options specified for the item are taken into account (sensitivity to the case, to the punctuation, sort direction, Unicode language, ...). |
Stores a unique computer number or identifier in order to use the log and transactions in network. |
Redefines one or more connection parameters via Native Access (Access, SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle) or via an OLE DB access on a specific table or set of tables. |
Opens an analysis in HFSQL Classic format via a remote access (this function is equivalent to the second syntax of HOpenAnalysis). |
Converts a numeric value into a binary string in order to perform a search on a numeric key. |
Copies: •the content of current record (loaded in memory) into the current record of a data file. •the content of Record variable into the current record of a data file. |
Creates the description file of a Master Replica (logged replication or universal replication). |
Creates a movable replication. |
Creates the description file of a subscriber replica. |
Creates an HFSQL view. This function uses the former view mechanism. |
Creates an empty data file (".FIC" extension) with the index file and the memo file if necessary. |
Performs the following operations: •If the file does not exist, creates an empty data file (".FIC" file) with the index file and the memo file if necessary. The function is equivalent to HCreation. •If the file exists, opens the file. |
Crosses a record in a data file. |
Ends the description of the structure of an xBase data file by programming. |
Describes by programming each item found in the structure of an xBase file described by HDBDescribeFile. |
Describes a file in dBase3 format (most common format) by programming. |
Describes by programming the different index files that will be created. |
Opens an xBase index file. |
Opens the xBase data file and the "memo" file if it exists. |
In single-user mode, opens an xBase data file without locking it. |
Returns or modifies the sequence of text items in the xBase files. |
Disables an automatic filter on the linked files when browsing an XML file. |
Temporarily disables the filter on a data file (view or query). |
Disables a trigger. |
Declares a description of data file (found in an analysis) in the current project. |
Temporarily imports into the current analysis the description of a data file from an existing HFSQL data file. |
Deletes a record from a data file (query or view). |
Deletes all records from a data file, a HFSQL view or a query. |
Deletes a trigger. |
Deletes a previously created view. This function uses the former view mechanism. |
Describes a new connection to an external database. |
Describes a data file by programming. |
Describes a full-text index of data file created by programming. |
Describes a file item by programming. |
Describes a link between two data files by programming. |
Adds or modifies a trigger on an HFSQL data file. |
Duplicates the record read in a data file: the record found in memory is added into the data file (query or view). |
Unlocks a file that was locked by the same program with HNoModif. |
Returns the number of the last error triggered by the HFSQL engine. |
Used to check whether a duplicate error occurred. |
Returns a detailed information about the last error triggered by the HFSQL engine. |
Used to check whether an integrity error occurred. |
Used to check whether a lock error occurred. |
Used to: •return the value of a record item if a modification conflict occurs. •check if a modification conflict occurred. |
After the execution of a read or write function in a data file, used to find out whether an error caused by a wrong password occurred on this data file. |
Returns the status of a record during a modification conflict. |
Declares a query created in the query editor to the HFSQL engine and runs this query. |
Executes a SELECT query asynchronously. |
Initializes a query written in SQL language and declares this query to the HFSQL engine. |
Executes an SQL query asynchronously. |
Runs a view that was created beforehand (can be used to refresh the view data for example). This function uses the former view mechanism. |
Exports the records found in a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), a view or a query to a CSV file. |
Exports the records found in a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), view or query to a JSON file. |
Exports records from a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), view or query to an Excel file (XLSX). |
Exports the records found in a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), view or query to an XML file. |
Extracts the content of a binary memo item from an HFSQL file, a query or an HFSQL view to a physical file (on disk). |
Used to find out: •whether a file exists, which means whether it was physically created (HCreation or HCreationIfNotFound). •whether a view or a query was defined. |
Defines and enables a filter on a data file, view or query. |
Defines and enables a "Contains" filter on a data file, view or query. |
Defines and enables a filter used to find the exact value of a string item. |
Defines and enables an "Included between" filter on a file, view or query. |
Defines and enables a "Start with" filter on a file, view or query. |
Sets the position on the first record of a data file according to the specified browse item. |
Forces the operating system of the computer where the data files are found to write data onto the disk. |
Moves several records forward from the current position in the data file, according to a specified item. |
Checks whether the current record corresponds to the current filter or search. |
Transforms the crossed records (HCross) into deleted records. |
Deletes a position saved by HSavePosition. |
Free the resources of a query (after the call to HExecuteQuery or HExecuteSQLQuery). |
Lists the words of the current record that will be taken into account by the full-text indexing. |
Returns the approximate position of current record in the data file. |
Returns the modifications performed on one or more items of a given record. The result can be displayed in a list box or in a table to allow the user to view the modifications made to the specified file. |
Imports a Hyper File 5.5 file into an HFSQL Classic file. |
Imports a JSON file into a data file in HFSQL Classic format (data file described in the data model editor or declared by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile). |
Imports a Text file into a data file in HFSQL Classic or Client/Server format (data file described in the data model editor, or declared by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile). |
Imports an XLS file into a data file in HFSQL Classic or Client/Server format (data file described in the data model editor, or declared by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile). |
Imports an XML file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file (data file described in the data model editor or declared by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile). |
Rebuilds the file index (".NDX" file). |
Indicates that a reindex operation is currently performed on a HFSQL data file and returns the percentage of reindexing already performed. |
Returns information about an analysis (WDD file). |
Returns the characteristics of an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. |
Returns the characteristics of binary and text memos. |
Returns information about the specified replica. |
Used to access specific functions for managing xBase (or dBase) data if Native xBase Access supplied with WINDEV or WEBDEV 14 is not available. |
Initializes the range of automatic identifiers for the description file of subscriber replica (".RPL" extension). |
Imports JSON data into the current record. |
Sets the position on the last record of a data file according to a browse item. |
Used to associate a file with a binary memo item or to cancel the existing link between a file and a binary item. |
Returns the list of WINDEV or WEBDEV analyses (in HFSQL Classic format) available in a given directory. |
Returns the list of connections currently described in the application. |
Returns the list of Custom-Folders (also called groups) defined in the analysis. |
Returns the list of files: •found in the current analysis or in a specific analysis recognized by the HFSQL engine. The files defined by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal and HDescribeFile are taken into account. •available on a connection via a native access or via an OLE DB driver. •for a group of files defined in the data model editor. |
Returns the list of full-text indexes of a file (a query or a view) recognized by the HFSQL engine. |
Returns the list of items: •found in a data file ( a query or a view) known to the HFSQL engine. The data files defined by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal and HDescribeFile are taken into account. •found in a Record variable. |
Returns the list of keys found in a file (query or view) recognized by the HFSQL engine. |
Returns the list of links (Merise type) found in the current analysis or in a specific analysis. |
Returns the list of OLE DB providers and/or Native Connectors installed on the current computer. |
Returns the list of parameters for a query created in the query editor. |
Returns the list of assignments for the data files handled by the current application, which means the list of physical files corresponding to the files described in the analysis. |
Returns the list of stop words used by a full-text index. |
Returns the list of synonyms used by a full-text index. |
Returns the list of triggers applied to one or more HFSQL data files. |
Locks a data file and restricts the access to this data file for all other sites or applications. |
Locks a record and restricts the access to this record for all the other applications. |
Adds comments to the log when saving the operation. |
Used to re-create an empty log. |
Restarts the logging process on a file. |
Stops the log process of a file. |
Creates an HFSQL view from two previously created views (HCreateView). This function uses the former view mechanism. |
Migrates the values of the linked composite keys coming from a file in Hyper File 5.5 format to the HFSQL Classic format. |
Changes the mode and the method for locking data files. |
Modifies the specified record or the record found in memory in the data file (query or view). |
Used to update the structure of an HFSQL data file by performing an automatic data modification (also called data synchronization). |
Returns the number of records in a file, query or HFSQL view: active records, crossed records, deleted records, etc. |
Sets the position on the next data file record according to a browse item. |
Forbids all the modifications on a data file (for all the programs, including the one that requested the no-modification policy). |
Customizes the management of HFSQL errors. |
Opens a data file. |
Opens an analysis in HFSQL Classic format. |
Opens a connection to a specific database. |
Used to handle the idle periods of a software (period without processes) to optimize the queries and the browses that will be run thereafter. |
Optimizes the Select queries by using idle times when handling an application (period without processes). |
Used to find out whether the record on which you want to be positioned is located outside the data file, filter, view or query. |
Defines the password used to create or open a data file. |
Initializes a query and declares this query to the database server in order to optimize the next executions of this query. |
Initializes a query written in SQL language and declares this query to the database server in order to optimize the next executions of this query. |
Positions on the previous file record according to a browse item. |
Reads a record in a file according to a given record number. |
Sets the position on the first record according to a browse item. |
Sets the position on the last record of a data file according to a browse item. |
Sets the position on the next data file record according to a browse item. |
Sets the position on the previous record of a file according to a browse item. |
Sets the position on the first record whose value for a specific item is greater than or equal to a sought value (generic search). |
Sets the position on the first record whose value for a specific item is strictly equal to a sought value (exact-match search). |
Sets the position on the last record whose value for a specific item is less than or equal to a sought value (exact-match search). |
Returns: •the number of the current record in the HFSQL data file. •the number of the current record in the HFSQL view. |
Returns the date and time of the last write operation performed on a record in an HFSQL file (Classic or Client/Server). |
Retrieves the structure and value of the current record and exports them into a string in JASON format. |
Retrieves the structure and the value of the current record and exports them into a character string in XML format. |
Re-creates the description file of a subscriber replica (universal replication only) according to the information of the master replica (.RPM and.SYN files). |
Asks to recalculate the content of a materialized view. |
Regenerates a data file from its log. |
Initializes: •one or all variables of file items with their default values. •one or all items of a Record variable with their default values. |
Restores the file context that was saved beforehand (HSavePosition): current record, filter, pointers. |
Returns the content of an item found in the current record (in the data file, view, query, ...). |
Returns the content of the current record (in a file, a view or a query, ...). |
Declares a (1, 1) (0, n) link between two tables. |
Defines the WLanguage procedure that will be called whenever a replication operation is performed on a specific file. |
Defines the options used for the universal replication of a file: •the replication direction. •the management mode of conflicts. |
Specifies the replication options for an item: the item can be replicated or not. |
Sets the passwords used to protect the universal replication files. |
Modifies the current record if it exists, otherwise adds a new record. |
Stores the current file context: current record, filter, pointers. |
Enables or disables the automatic security mechanism on one or more data files. |
Positions on the first record of the data file whose value for a specific item is greater than or equal to a sought value (generic search by default). |
Positions on the first file record whose value for a specific item is greater than or equal to a sought value. |
Sets the position on the last file record whose value for a specific item is less than or equal to a sought value. |
Enables or disables the management of duplicates on a unique key. |
Enables or disables the management of an integrity constraint on a file link. |
Enables or disables log management on a file. |
Used to modify the management mode of memo items. |
Sets the position on a record, based on the approximate position of one of its items. |
Temporarily disables the remote access in order to access HFSQL Classic data files found locally. |
Enables or disables the management of .REP file. |
Temporarily disables (or re-enables) the replication. |
Enables or disables the management of transactions for one or more files. |
Enables or disables the management of triggers. |
Sorts a HFSQL view by creating an index on a view item. This function uses the former view mechanism. |
Performs various statistical calculations on the file keys. |
Returns the date of the last update for the index statistics. |
Used to find out the state of a record. |
Returns the number of duplicates for a given key item. |
Returns the number of entries for a given key item. |
Returns an estimate regarding the number of entries for a given key item in a given interval of values. |
Returns the time of the last update for the index statistics. |
Associates the data directory specified in the analysis with a directory found on disk. |
Synchronizes the master replica and the subscriber replica: the operations performed on one of the replicas are transferred into the other replica. |
Copies a data source (file, query, view, ...) to a physical HFSQL file with the same description. This file is neither encrypted nor password protected. |
Assigns the specified value to an item of the current record. |
Starts a transaction on the data files (HFSQL or accessed via a Native Connector) and creates the transaction file. |
If a transaction is in progress, cancels all the operations performed on the data files in transaction since the start of transaction. |
Validates the current transaction: •the modifications performed on the data file since the start of transaction (HTransactionStart) are validated. •the transaction file is deleted (if the transaction is the last transaction in progress for a network application) •the records locked in read-only by the transaction are unlocked. |
Transforms all the records "in transaction" into "Normal" records if these records do not belong to a transaction currently in progress. |
Used to find out whether a transaction is in progress. |
Used to find out whether a transaction was interrupted (the transaction was neither validated nor canceled). |
Starts a transaction on the data files (HFSQL or accessed via a Native Connector) and creates the transaction file. |
Retrieves the value of the current record before the trigger(s) are executed. |
Unlocks the records of a data file: •locked by HLockFile. •individually locked by a locking read function. |
Unlocks a record that was locked by: •a read function used with a locking parameter (HRead associated with the hLockWrite or hLockReadWrite constant for example). |
Used to find out: •whether the content of a file was modified. •whether the content of a file used by a query was modified. |
Saves the modifications performed in a HFSQL view (by HModify, HDelete or HCross) in the corresponding data file. This function uses the former view mechanism. |
Writes a record into a data file without updating the indexes corresponding to all keys used in the file. |
Adds or deletes the spaces found on the right of a text item when reading it. |