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Activity Organiser
Activity Organiser manages school-based activity programs
external to normal classes

A typical Sport Ed program...

Students usually elect into one of a range of activities for a period of time, say a term. A coordinator is responsible for listing the activities, putting out selection sheets, receiving the elective sheets, sorting students into activities based on preferences, and maintaining the lists required by supervising staff.

Some activities will have fees; some may require some degree of student assessment eg Bronze Medallion; some may require notes to be written on students. Often the teacher-in-charge does not know where he is meant to be, or at what time.

Often the school wants to know what students participated in during previous years.

How Activity Organiser helps

Activity Organiser saves the administrator significant work load:

• AO has a network module to allow students to enter their preferences on the school network.
• AO will automatically place students into a group based on their preferences.
• Or, if doing it manually, it prints out student elective sheets.
• It enable students to be quickly entered into an activity.
• It shows a student’s previous activities.
• It prints a list of students who have not handed in a selection sheet
• It prints rolls and activity summary sheets for staff.
• It prints permission slips
• It determines house participation points

All reports print to screen first, so you don’t have to print to paper if you don’t want. Activity Organiser can be operated standalone or on a network. On a network, passwords are required for access at one of three levels.

Staff can:

• record absences and notes
• record fees paid
• set tasks and record results
• write ad-hoc comments on any student
• print parental notification forms
• maintain student participation history over years

Comprehensive history feature allows you to store student participation over years and print out summaries when required.

Activity Organiser allows you to work with different programs of activities eg Music and Sport. These programs can have different options and settings.

Activity Organiser can be set up with options de-activated so that unrequired options are not accessible. Activity Organiser can also be used to assist in one-off excursions such as a football trip. It will print the permission slips, record fees paid and produce the roll.

Import students into Activity Organiser from a text file similar to that used by SportsTrak

Use your network to get students' choices

Students may use a utility called Remote Student Module to enter their preferences for an elective program. The coordinator uses AO to automatically allocate students to activities based on their preferences. The coordinator may fine-tune the allocation in numerous ways.