Download JobCard Setup Program
Save the setup program to a local folder. Windows 7 and Vista give stern warnings about running this sort of program, which you may safely ignore!Run jcsetup.exe from that folder.
Choose from option 1, 2 or 3
1. I have JobCard3 installed and running, I just want to refresh my installation to the latest version of the JobCard3 program.
Make a backup of your existing JobCard3 folder.
Run JCLock.exe to close all copies of JobCard program
If using NetJobCard make sure the service is not running.
Install to C:\JobCard3 folder DO NOT INSTALL SAMPLE DATA.
Run JCLock.exe to enable JobCard3 to again run.
If using NetJobCard install as a service.
This completes the process of updating JobCard3 to the latest version. The following sections of this document do not apply to you.2. I have a previous version of JobCard.
Install to C:\JobCard3 folder with or without sample data.
Copy *data from the old JobCard folder to C:\JobCard3 folder.
(*Data is all files with extension tps with the exception of SClient.tps and upg.tps)
When you run JobCard.exe, existing data will automatically convert.3. I do not have an earlier version of JobCard.
Install to C:\JobCard3 folder with sample data.
Login initially as a User with the password 1 (that means the password is just the digit '1') ,
then go in as Administrator with password 2.The setup will fully install JobCard3 in a demonstration mode.
The default installation folder is C:\JobCard3 with a subfolder called Documentation containing the User Guide in .pdf format.Shortcuts to JobCard will be placed on your desktop and in a JobCard folder in Start > Program Files menu.
Login Passwords: Login initially as a User with the password 1 (that means the password is just the digit '1') , then go in as Administrator with password 2.
The initial installation runs JobCard3 in demonstration mode, for an unlimited time, but with some limitations on data capacity.Contact CaRob Computing ( with a purchase order to receive a Client File that fully activates JobCard3 in your organisation's name. Copy this file into the JobCard3 folder, over-writing the existing file. This will make JobCard fully functional for 4 weeks.
When payment is received, we send a registration code that then enables continued operation.