CaRob Home List of Updates to NetBookIt 2

This version still works but is superseded by BookIt and NetBookIt Version 3

This download provides the latest version of NetBookIt 2 and some associated files. (Compatible with BookIt 2 Only)

Download NetBookIt 2 as a plain zip file ( 1.6 MB)

The download contains a compressed version of NetBookIt.exe with dlls as well as javascript and .css files in subfolders.
It is only useful to clients who have an existing NetBookIt! and are running BookIt 2.

Update Steps
1. Back up the existing NetBookIt folder
2. At the server, close NetBookIt
3. Unzip anywhere convenient on the network.
4. Run nbiupdate.exe and select the existing Netbookit network folder as the target folder
5. Run NetBookIt