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Updates to JobCard

Sept 5, 2012

Javascript Error

Several modified scripts in the new setup that will remove javascript errors in NetJobCard. If you already have the latest JobCard, install to a temporary folder and just copy the contents of the web\scripts folder into your existing web\scripts folder.

Aug 1, 2012

View Jobs option in Browser

If JobCard is not allowing users to View jobs, then NetJobCard now will also not have it as an option.

May 30, 2012

Default area to display in the Category-Resource Tree
If a user selects a particular Resource Area to display, that area will be remembered next time for thast user.
The users' last setting is stored in JobCard.ini in the User's virtual windows folder (found under AppData, Local, Virtual Store Windows)

Mar 7, 2012 Importing Resources from text file
Added extra field, Asset Register Number, as a sixth field in the ItemList.txt file. Can be 30 characters long
Dec 16, 2011

Bug in NetJobCard:
If No User Password was required, NetJobCard insisted on it still.
Fixed. Now, if you set the user password to blank, NetJobCard does not ask for a password.

Oct 20, 2011

Removed Javascript error in NetJobCard ("Error: 'Rico' is undefined")

In JobCard, Browse Jobs: made the column widths fixed, but the window width resizable.

Sept 19, 2011

JobCard 3 released.

Includes web server, allowing users to submit jobs via a browser.
Email notifications to servicers when jobs are submitted.
Data backup and other changes

Mar 10, 2011

Importing Resources from text file
Added extra field, Description, as a fifth field in the ItemList.txt file. Can be 30 characters long

Apr 24, 2010

Email notification feature
JobCard may be configured to send an email to the servicer when a job is submitted. The job still goes into the usual job list, but the servicer will receive email notification of it straight away.

When viewed by a servicer, the job can be allocated to another servicer and If that servicer has an email address he will be notified via email.

If the job notifier has an email address, a specific email may be send to them regarding the progress of their job.

When a job is moved to history, if both notifier and servicer have email, a Job Completion notification email may be sent to the notifier.

Aug 14, 2007

Bug fix

JobCard.ini was being written to root of server, instead of to program folder. Ordinary users have no permissions here. Fixed.

Aug 10, 2007

Bug fixes.
Scheduled maintenance was not displaying under appropriate Area Login, only Admin Login. Fixed.

Submitting a Job, without selecting an item first, set item to last on list. Fixed.