Password Options in SportsTrak

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Password Options in SportsTrak

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SportsTrak usually runs without a password and the user has full access to all functions.  Activating passwords allows SportsTrak to be accessed by other users with less risk that someone will tamper with the fundamental setup.


To activate, go to File > Password Options



Menu to Activate

Menu to Activate

Updating the password options

Updating the password options


Tick or Untick Password Activated to activate or deactivate passwords


When activated, the initial screen changes


SportsTrak Toolbar when no-one is logged in

SportsTrak Toolbar when no-one is logged in


Without logging in, a user may run reports, but cannot make any changes.


To log in, go to the File Menu                FileMenu2


Logged in as an Operator


With the Operator password, a user may edit competitors and enter results.  An operator cannot make changes to the program, its settings, score system etc.


Toolbar when Operator is logged in

Toolbar when Operator is logged in

Logged in as an Administrator

All functions are available.



Password options only apply to the current data folder

If you change data folder then the settings no longer apply.